Take our user interface for a spin

Connect. Configure. Done!

Easy configuration is the hallmark of all HMS gateways. Our user interfaces — Anybus Communicator User Interface and Intesis MAPS are based on thousands of use cases — Designed to enable communication in no time.


Configuration software:

For industrial automation

The Anybus User Interface enables you to configure network communication in minutes without installing additional software.

  • Use drag and drop functionality to configure the gateway.
  • Import or export files or firmware.
  • Analyze live data or export a log file for analysis.
For building automation

Intesis MAPS takes the complexity out of the integration process regardless of protocol. Fast commissioning for any building controls.

  • Templates for projects and devices — repeatability.
  • Configuration in the field, with scanning functions to detect devices.
  • Check the validity of a project before it's implemented.
  • Integrated diagnostic tools for logging and troubleshooting.