What effects will 5G have on Factory Automation?

The 5G effect on Factory Automation

5G brings a lot of promise to manufacturing: Flexible and more efficient production, safer working conditions, ultra-low-latency and reliability. All enabling more tasks to be automated. But 5G has been a buzzword for some time. Where are we now and what is the outlook?


Experiences from 5G proof-of-concepts. We'll present a number of early adopter examples and lessons learned.
Where do we see the first applications being put into use?
What are the main differences between current wireless technologies and 5G?
What will be the effects on the manufacturing industry? 

On-demand webinar

Meet the presenter

Name: Dr. Jens Jakobsen
Title: HMS Labs Development Manager, HMS Industrial Networks 
Bio: Dr. Jens Jakobsen is Development Manager at HMS Labs scouting for trends, people and companies defining the future of industrial communications.

He has wide industry experience with companies such as HMS Networks, Schneider Electric and Motorola Solutions.

Dr. Jakobsen holds 7 granted patents within telecom and industrial communications.