Connect devices and machines to Modbus-TCP

Modbus-TCP gateways and connectivity products

Connect any device or PLC system to Modbus-TCP with ready-made Modbus-TCP gateways. Or integrate a network interface into an industrial device allowing it to communicate on Modbus-TCP.


What is Modbus-TCP?

Modbus-TCP provides client/server communication between devices connected on different types of buses or networks. Modbus-TCP means that the Modbus protocol is used on top of Ethernet-TCP/IP. Modbus-TCP is an open Industrial Ethernet network which has been specified by the Modbus-IDA User Organization in co-operation with the Internet Engeneering Task Force (IETF) as an RFC Internet standard.

Modbus-TCP products

Modbus-TCP gateways and connectivity products from HMS

Proven Modbus-TCP products enabling you to...

  • easily implement an Modbus-TCP interface into your devices.
  • connect an industrial serial or CAN-based device with Modbus-TCP.
  • interconnect a Modbus-TCP device or network with any other fieldbus or industrial Ethernet network.

Modbus-TCP gateways and connectivity products

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – EtherCAT
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – EtherCAT

Enable communication between industrial devices and EtherCAT networks

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Modbus TCP
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Modbus TCP

Enable communication between industrial devices and Modbus TCP networks

DALI-2 to KNX TP PRO Gateway
DALI-2 to KNX TP PRO Gateway

DALI-2 to KNX - 1 DALI channel

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Common Ethernet (Pre-loaded)
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Common Ethernet (Pre-loaded)

Enable communication between industrial devices and Industrial Ethernet networks

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – PROFINET
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – PROFINET

Enable communication between industrial devices and PROFINET networks

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Common Ethernet
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – Common Ethernet

Enable communication between industrial devices and Industrial Ethernet networks

Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – Modbus TCP server
Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – Modbus TCP server

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to Modbus TCP control systems

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – POWERLINK
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – POWERLINK

Enable communication between industrial devices and POWERLINK networks

Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Adapter – EtherNet/IP Adapter
Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Adapter – EtherNet/IP Adapter

An industrial gateway that interconnects EtherNet/IP control systems

Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner - PROFIBUS DP Device
Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner - PROFIBUS DP Device

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to PROFIBUS control systems

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – BACnet/IP
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini – BACnet/IP

Enable communication between industrial devices and BACnet/IP networks

Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – PROFINET IO Device
Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – PROFINET IO Device

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to PROFINET control systems

Anybus Communicator PROFINET IO Device – PROFINET IO Device
Anybus Communicator PROFINET IO Device – PROFINET IO Device

An industrial gateway that interconnects PROFINET control systems

Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini - EtherNet/IP
Anybus CompactCom 40 Brick Mini - EtherNet/IP

Enable communication between industrial devices and EtherNet/IP networks

Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – Common Ethernet
Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – Common Ethernet

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to Industrial Ethernet control systems

Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – EtherCAT SubDevice
Anybus Communicator EtherNet/IP Scanner – EtherCAT SubDevice

A protocol converter that connects EtherNet/IP devices to EtherCAT control systems

Anybus ProfiHub B5+
Anybus ProfiHub B5+

Efficient network segmentation with integrated diagnostics down to the last device

Advanced Configuration Tool Standard
Advanced Configuration Tool Standard

Configuration software for Ixxat FRC-EP170, FRC-EP190 and CANnector