Through its career network, Karriärföretagen has conducted a vote among Young Professionals regarding their choice of future employers by asking the question, which are the three most attractive and exciting employers among one of Sweden’s "Career Companies of the Year 2023"

A total of 3,986 Young Professionals participated in the vote, divided into the following categories: IT, Civil Engineers, Economists, Social Scientists, Real Estate Agents and Lawyers. Young Professionals are between 25 - 35 years old, have graduated within 1 - 8 years and have started their professional career.
"We have not only climbed up as one of the top 100 Career Companies and taken a place in the top 10 of companies for students in IT, but now we are also very happy for the placement as top 10 among Young Professionals", says Andrea Wagner, HR Generalist at HMS Networks.
"Right now we are hiring many young people in IT and data communication and are looking forward to more applications."
See our open positions
Read more about HMS award as one of Sweden’s "Top 10 employers"